$22.00 USD

Aura of Money Masterclass

In this 90-minute masterclass you’ll see how a simple shift in perception can change the way you spend, receive, and attract abundance on a daily basis.

What you'll get:

✨Level Up Your Energy: Learn the best color vibrations to help you align with abundance, prosperity and greater manifesting ability.

💜Learn your money personality type: There are distinct money personality types. By learning which one you are, you’ll shine a light on how your type influences your beliefs and behaviors shape your money destiny.

✌🏼Release The Guilt: Learn how to let go of shame and negative feelings around money that you may have unintentionally absorbed.

🧘🏻‍♀️Get Aligned: Fine tune your energy field and aura to attract wealth and opportunities.

What People Are Saying:

Ken Honda’s wisdom, intellect, success, and achievement combined with his spirituality, love, and compassion make him the perfect person to bring forth this conversation about healing and happiness.

Lisa Nichols, New York Times bestselling author of Abundance Now

After taking several of Dougall Fraser's online courses throughout the past several years, I want to shout from the rooftops how wonderful the experiences have been! His knowledge, personal stories, open heart, humor, warmth, and tone of his voice all greatly enrich the experience of learning from him. He goes above and beyond just teaching his techniques by really connecting and interacting.

MJ Derhak